Cursor In Sql Server
Cursor is a database Object used to manipulate data on a row-by-row basis ..
Following are step to create Cursor .
Declaring a Cursor
Before using cursor, you first must declare the cursor, i.e. define its scrolling behavior and the query used to build the result set on which the cursor operates. To declare cursor, you can use a syntax based on the SQL-Cursur standard and a syntax using a set of Transact-SQL extensions.
This is SQL-Cursur Syntax:
Cursor is a database Object used to manipulate data on a row-by-row basis ..
Following are step to create Cursor .
Declaring a Cursor
Before using cursor, you first must declare the cursor, i.e. define its scrolling behavior and the query used to build the result set on which the cursor operates. To declare cursor, you can use a syntax based on the SQL-Cursur standard and a syntax using a set of Transact-SQL extensions.
This is SQL-Cursur Syntax:
DECLARE cursor_name [INSENSITIVE] [SCROLL] CURSORFollowing is Table-Value Function In which I have Used Cursor ::
FOR select_statement
[FOR {READ ONLY | UPDATE [OF column_name [,...n]]}]
FUNCTION [dbo].[fntbGetRevenueOfEmployees]() RETURNS @EmployeeRevenue TABLE ( OrderDate Date , EmployeeID int ,Employee1 decimal(16,2) , Employee2 decimal(16,2), Employee3 decimal(16,2) ,Employee4 decimal(16,2) , Employee5 decimal(16,2) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE Name_Cursor CURSOR FOR Select convert( varchar , CustomerOrders.OrderDate ,101) , Employees.EmployeeID , sum(dbo.fnItemPriceTotal(customerorderDetails.Qty ,customerorderDetails.Price,ISNULL(customerorderDetails.Double1,0))) as TotalForRow From CustomerOrders left join customerorderDetails on CustomerOrders.OrderID = customerorderDetails.OrderID left join Accounts on Accounts.AccountID = CustomerOrders.CustomerID left join Employees ON Accounts.SalesPersonID = Employees.EmployeeID group by convert( varchar , CustomerOrders.OrderDate ,101) , Employees.EmployeeID order by convert( varchar , CustomerOrders.OrderDate ,101) DECLARE @C_OrderDate as Datetime DECLARE @C_OrderTotal as decimal(16,2) DECLARE @C_EmployeeID as Int Declare @intCount as int declare @TempEmpId as int set @intCount = 0 OPEN Name_Cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM Name_Cursor INTO @C_OrderDate ,@C_EmployeeID , @C_OrderTotal ; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN insert into @EmployeeRevenue values( convert(varchar , @C_OrderDate ,101) , @C_EmployeeID , @C_OrderTotal , 0 ,0,0,0 ) ; FETCH NEXT FROM Name_Cursor INTO @C_OrderDate ,@C_EmployeeID , @C_OrderTotal ; END close Name_Cursor deallocate Name_Cursor return end
Nice post , Its helps me !!