
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Get Recursive all childs by parentid in sql server

Get Recursive all childs by parentid in sql server 

Introduction : In this article i will show you how to get all recursive childs by parentid in sql server .To get all childs i have used recursive query using with CTE ( Common Table Expressions ) . It is very simple to with parentid and childId relationship table.I have written query for getting recursive child records in sql server is as follow .

Table design for Relationship : 

Query for get all childs by parentid in sql server : 
declare @ParentId as int;
set @ParentId =  1;

WITH RecursiveTable (ProductId, ParentId,ProductName, Level)
    SELECT      MaintTab.ProductId, 
                MaintTab.ProductName ,
                0 AS Level
    FROM ProductTable AS MaintTab
    WHERE ParentId = @ParentId
    SELECT  MaintTab.ProductId, 
                MaintTab.ProductName ,
                LEVEL + 1
    FROM ProductTable AS MaintTab
        INNER JOIN RecursiveTable Rtab ON
        MaintTab.ParentId = Rtab.ProductId
SELECT * FROM RecursiveTable

Output of query : 

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